Phone addiction is a common phrase that describes children always on the phone. It has become a daily routine to browse and use the phone for everything with little realising that it might trigger warning signs later. There are over 3.8 billion smartphone users in the world. Research published by Virgin Mobile discovered that those billions of smartphone users receive 427% more messages and notifications than they did a decade ago. They also send 278% more texts. 

The rise in phone use seems like a natural necessity for modern life, however, it can also cause concern and negative consequences. The heavy use of these devices has consumers questioning their cellular habits. According to Google Trends, since 2004 searches for “cell phone addiction” have been rising.

Negative effects of phone addiction

The American Psychiatric Association does not officially recognize the condition but it is acknowledged as behavioural addiction by many medical professionals and researchers worldwide.  

Phone addiction may lead to:

  • Sleep deficit
  • Stress
  • Lower concentration
  • Loneliness
  • Creativity blocks
  • Aggregated ADD
  • Insecurity
  • Impaired relationships
  • Anxiety
  • Poor grades
  • Reduced cognition
  • Psychological disorders

Signs and symptoms

There is a fine line between healthy and compulsive phone use. Depending too heavily on a device leads to phone addiction. These are some of the changes in daily habits that may be a triggering sign of this kind of addiction:

  • Isolation from loved ones
  • Lying about smartphone use.
  • Loved ones expressing concern.
  • Neglect or trouble completing duties at work, school, or home.
  • More and more time using a phone.
  • Checking peoples’ profiles repeatedly due to anxiety.
  • Accidents or injuries due to phone use.
  • Working later to complete tasks.
  • Weak or non-existent social life.
  • Fear of missing out.
  • A feeling of lack of connection.
  • Angry or irritated if phone use is interrupted.
  • Getting up at night to check a phone.
  • Reaching for the phone the moment they are alone or bored.
  • Phantom vibrations (thinking the phone buzzes when it doesn’t).
  • Limiting phone use is difficult.
  • Craving access to a smartphone or another device.
  • There is no specific time or range that specifies crossing it as addiction but the above-mentioned behaviour can be alarming.

Smartphone addiction can be cured

Making rules for yourself and following them religiously can help you in curbing phone addiction like

Practising mindfulness to relax your body

Change your phone settings like 

  • Set off notifications that distract you the most
  • Set the screen to black and white
  • Use aeroplane mode
  • Use the Do Not Disturb option often
  • Set a longer passcode

Add Happinetz WiFi to your home router - Happinetz WiFi when connected to your home router filters the internet for your child and manages screen time.

Keep your bedroom device-free by charging your phone in another room or keeping it outside while you sleep or read before retiring.

Providing alternatives to yourself like exercising, meeting friends or spending quality time with your family decreases phone addiction

Set timers for internet activity by Happinetz Internet scheduling which provides 3 profiles for users kids, teens and adults. This shuts down the internet as scheduled by you and gives you ample time for other things in life.

Give importance to listening to your child that encourages them to discuss their issues with you. Often it’s seen that children turn to gadgets when they don’t get answers from their parents.

Never give up because times may be tiring and things may take more time to sort but nothing is impossible. Just be patient and positive.


How to avoid phone addiction while studying?

You need to start meditating to improve your focus power. It would be best to improve your focus because you slow down your place to study when you are distracted. Education experts always advise students to stay away from mobile phones during studying. It is because this meditation will help students to stay more focused. You can always learn about the habits that will change your life for the good, and keeping away from the phone is also one of them.

Add Happinetz Box to your home router, connect to Happinetz WiFi and install the app on the parent’s phone. Now select your kid’s devices connecting all to the Happinetz Wifi and setting time slots to all devices that help your child to manage screen time. No app is installed on the kid’s devices, they are only connected to Happinetz WiFi.

How do I stop phone addiction?

  • Set boundaries with your phone’s help
  • Identify your triggers
  • Put your phone away at night
  • Reduce your notifications
  • Try mindfulness

What are the psychological effects of phone addiction?

  • Increasing depression and anxiety
  • Disturbing sleep patterns
  • Negatively affecting your concentration power and creativity

How to stop phone addiction in teenagers?

Educate them about the pitfalls of excessive phone addiction. Not that they don’t know themselves but talking with a parent surely helps in curbing this addiction as they feel wanted. Establish screen-free zones at home like no gadgets on the dining table etc. Set healthy boundaries together and spend quality time playing outdoor games or spending time visiting places together.

What’s the fastest way of getting rid of Phone addiction?

Bringing Happinetz to your home. 2 steps and a 5-minute installation of Happinetz WiFi to your home router gives you freedom from internet filtration for your child’s internet activities and manages screen time. Only one app is downloaded on the parent’s app and the rest of all your kid’s devices are connected to the Happinetz Wifi. Just set the time slots for each of the devices and enjoy stress-free parenting because it actually works!