The screen is your doorway to another world. With maximum work shifted to online, relaxation also takes place by browsing the screen only. More than schedules, it’s the addiction in adults that hovers over them to not keep their gadgets down. While we keep researching ways to cut screen time for kids, it’s equally essential to reduce screen time for adults too. Let’s look at different yet functional ways to skip the screen and indulge in other activities. But before that understanding why adults too need to take a break from their screens is important.

Although everyone knows that excess screen time is bad and should be curtailed, addiction is hard to control. For this, the simple trick is to keep reading about the hazardous effects of over-screen time on you that it will register to your brain and continuous pressure on your brain will make it work towards it effectively.

Ill-effects of excess screen time for adults

Let’s dive deeper into the adverse effects of excess screen time on human sense organs:

Insomnia and poor sleep

The light emitting from the screen signals your brain to stay awake all the time. If you keep scrolling late at night and for continuous hours, your brain takes more time to calm down and get ready to sleep.

Eye strain and headaches

Too much exposure to the screen tires your eyes and makes them red most of the time. Eyes become irritable and water keeps coming out. Continuous eye irritation may lead to weak eyesight also.

Neck, shoulder and back pain 

Time spent sitting at a desk typing or holding a phone and looking down, places strain on the neck, shoulders and back. When these positions are held for extended amounts of time, it can lead to pain

Addictive behaviour

Gadgets have been around for less than 20 years but their impact has been much larger. The craving to browse more and more increases with your usage and the addiction is beyond control.

Changes in cognition

A recent study states that people who have been diagnosed with smartphone addiction have problems with the part of their brain responsible for transmitting messages and poorer cognitive performance.

Reduced physical activities

Browsing the screen for endless hours makes you a couch potato and you are left good for nothing. You become a liability of your own life and getting up to get a glass of water also looks like a task. When there’s no time left for physical activities, your interest goes down and your body adapts to the new schedule of just lying on the bed and browsing gadgets.

Is there a limit to screen time for adults?

There are clear guidelines for children, however, there is nothing specified for screen time for adults. A few years ago, the average screen time for adults was 11 hours a day. But during and post-COVID, the numbers have drastically increased to 19 hours per day. 

Limiting your screen usage during the day and maintaining it regularly shows improvement in overall well-being.

Tips for reducing screen time

It is evident that whatever increases beyond limits need to be cut down at some point. Let’s check how can you reduce screen time for adults

Turn off notifications on all gadgets

Notifications popping up on your screen break your attention and urge you to check that gadget immediately.

Set a timer

Like an alarm, when your timer beeps, stop that gadget and leave for something better. It may be just cleaning your room to watch the next slot of gadgets after some time.

Get out, Get going

Call your friends for an outdoor activity. Remember, going for walks together or playing a sport together? Let’s relive the past and make it a part of your present activities. This will not only keep you fit but also keep you busy with things other than gadgets.

Leave the phone out of your room

When it’s out of room it’s out of sight. Seldom are the chances that you will pick it up in the middle of your work and start browsing. Instead, you will be able to concentrate on your work and finish it on time.

Get back to basics

Let’s call friends and gossip like the old times. Forget video calling but just talking on the phone will make you feel good and keep you away from gadgets for some time.

Indulge in family activity together

Keep meals gadget-free and spend time talking about the day’s affairs and what kept different members busy all day. Activities like cooking together or cleaning the garden are also good ways to remain gadget-free for a long.

Innovate your bedside 

Keep your favourite things like photo albums of loved ones, favourite books, pen stands etc on your bedside table that encourage you to restrict the screen before sleeping. Instead, you will want to pick a book and read that will calm your senses and make you ready to sleep.

Get bored

Sometimes, getting bored like children is good for reducing screen time for adults. Watch out of the window in the sky or scribble something on paper. Keeping quiet also gives new ideas to create things.

There are enormous ways to reduce screen time for adults but it’s important to make and follow a strict schedule for yourself unless you become used to it.


What is the best way to reduce screen time for adults?

  • Be accountable
  • Be realistic
  • Be engaged with people or activities
  • Go outside
  • Make gadget-free zones at home

How do I reduce my screen time naturally?

  • By putting a self-timer
  • Avoid video fatigue that forces you to keep browsing one video after another
  • Take regular breaks and stretch
  • Pay attention to your posture
  • Stand up and sit less
  • Don’t eat in front of the screen

Is 5 hours a day good screen time for adults?

Adults watching screens outside their working hours should limit their usage to 2 hours a day.

What is an ideal screen time for adults?

Ideally, nothing is specified for adults but looking at the current scenario, less than or 2 hours is ideal.